Feng Shui Master Li

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Bedroom Feng Shui * Bathroom Feng Shui * Children Room Feng Shui*  Reading Room Feng Shui * Dining Room Feng Shui * Living Room Feng * Shui Kitchen Feng Shui

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Bedroom Feng Shui
Bedroom Feng Shui

Bathroom Feng Shui
Bathroom Feng Shui

Children Room Feng Shui
Children Room Feng Shui

Kitchen Feng Shui
Kitchen Feng Shui

Dining Room Feng Shui
Dining Room Feng Shui

Living Room Feng Shui
Living Room Feng Shui

Reading Room Feng Shui
Reading Room Feng Shui

What is BaZi ?

The origin of BaZi is attributed to Scholar Li Xuzhong of the Tang Dynasty (A.D 618-907). It was practiced by Xu Ziping in the Song Dynasty (A.D 960-1279). This ancient Chinese Art is derived from the text of the I-Ching or the Book of Oracles used for fortune telling. It is based on the same principles, using the 5 primordial elements for fortune telling. This Chinese system fortune-telling is been in used, consistently, for thousand of years through the winding course of its civilization. It is true to say that BaZi has shaped the cultural practises and philosophy of the Chinese people as much as Confucianism has shaped the character and mind of the people of China and its worldwide Diasporas. In the olden days, the Chinese people seeking to their destinies and fortune travel far and wide to great temples to have their destinies revealed to them by masters of fortune reading. In other words, consulting a fortune-teller is a common practice and very much a part of the Chinese culture.

The Chinese believes that the universe came into being from the 5 primordial elements. Stephen Hawking, the renown physicist, in his essay, 'Is Everything Determined?' subscribes to the view that everything in the universe is governed by the set of rules. From this perspective, the Chinese people have believed in such a worldview since a long time ago. It can be agreed on that the universe must follow a set of rules. Man, being a tiny part of the universe, and comprising of the 5 elements, is also subject to such fixed rules and order.

We therefore believe that human fate and destiny is determined by
"the invisible forces of the universal". Until recently most BaZi masters were only Chinese speaking. The emergence of new masters proficient in the English Language has opened up this fascinating system of fortune telling to the entire English-speaking world. The Internet helps to provide the access and delivery of BaZi system across the world at the touch of a button.

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