Feng Shui Master Li

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Bedroom Feng Shui * Bathroom Feng Shui * Children Room Feng Shui*  Reading Room Feng Shui * Dining Room Feng Shui * Living Room Feng * Shui Kitchen Feng Shui

Feng Shui House
Home Feng Shui


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Home Feng Shui




Bedroom Feng Shui
Bedroom Feng Shui

Bathroom Feng Shui
Bathroom Feng Shui

Children Room Feng Shui
Children Room Feng Shui

Kitchen Feng Shui
Kitchen Feng Shui

Dining Room Feng Shui
Dining Room Feng Shui

Living Room Feng Shui
Living Room Feng Shui

Reading Room Feng Shui
Reading Room Feng Shui

Bedroom Feng Shui

Adults will benefit more from a bedroom facing west into gentle rays of the setting sun, where as children will reap the rewards of the bedroom facing east toward the invigorating morning rays. Those with no children should decide which is best for themselves, be it a deeper more relaxing sleep (west) or the vitality and motivation of morning (east).

The bed should not be placed so that the occupants feet face a doorway. This is the way the deceased are carried from a room. Neither should your bed directly face a window as the glare attracts Sha energy. A Windchimes or Bagwa will remedy this situation.

No more than two mirrors should be placed in a bedroom as this will excite Chi and avoid placing a mirror at the foot of the bed or opposite a window. A bedroom beside the living room is good Feng Shui and in the case of a two-storey home directly above a lounge room.

Remember this is a room for relaxation the colours you choose should be peaceful and tranquil. Too vibrant a colour will excite Chi making it difficult to rest. This also applies to the lighting in your bedroom. Try lowering the wattage of the globes used in this room.

Bedroom Feng Shui Report

Apple for your personal Bedroom Feng Shui Report that synergize your Ba Zi(natal data) and improve your fortune.

The report including follows:
Your characteristics Analysis base on Chinese Zodiac Sign
Your Five Element Analysis
Your Yin-Yang Balance Analysis
Feng Shui advices about placement/decorating for your bedroom

Bedroom Feng Shui Report
Item Code: HFSM-BDR-102

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