Feng Shui Master Li

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Bedroom Feng Shui * Bathroom Feng Shui * Children Room Feng Shui*  Reading Room Feng Shui * Dining Room Feng Shui * Living Room Feng * Shui Kitchen Feng Shui

Feng Shui House
Home Feng Shui


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Home Feng Shui




Bedroom Feng Shui
Bedroom Feng Shui

Bathroom Feng Shui
Bathroom Feng Shui

Children Room Feng Shui
Children Room Feng Shui

Kitchen Feng Shui
Kitchen Feng Shui

Dining Room Feng Shui
Dining Room Feng Shui

Living Room Feng Shui
Living Room Feng Shui

Reading Room Feng Shui
Reading Room Feng Shui

Chinese Astrology


Chinese believe there are several factors can affect one's destiny and life, they are:

1) Fate
2) Destiny
3) Feng Shui
4) Doing worthy deed
5) Study

The value of fourth and fifth factors are shared by most of cultural systems over the world. From the first to third factors, Chinese have their unique perspectives and these perspectives have being affecting the Chinese for thousand years. In certain degrees, most Chinese are influenced by fatalism. However, the Chinese are not negative fatalists. We believe, although we cannot alter the congenital fate(BaZi, Birth Date), we can promote or improve our destiny through Astrology(Feng Shui, Fortune Telling) approach.

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